They are not known for high light output, so they are best used as secondary lighting or in areas where not much light is needed. CCFL lamps can be used in applications where a lamp will be dimmed or flashed, unlike most of their hot cathode counterparts. They are also available in screw in spiral form just like “typical” hot cathode compact fluorescent lamps. Monday-Friday 9am - 5pm Neon courses and workshops. Luz De Tubo De Neón De Cátodo Frío Sinolite, Find Complete Details about Luz De Tubo De Neón De Cátodo Frío Sinolite,Luz De Tubo De Neón,Color Del Tubo De Neón,Luz De Tubo De Neón from LED Neon Lights Supplier or Manufacturer-Shanghai Sinolift Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Co.,Ltd. Cold cathode tubes are also used to backlight signs and LCD displays, they’re probably what is allowing you to be able to read the text on your screen right now, in fact. Custom neon art, design, and interior lighting fabrication in Brooklyn, New York. For many people, the most easily identifiable example of a cold cathode lamp is the neon sign.

This theory is used to estimate the expected longevity of laser cathodes made from different materials. Most notably the cold light head and photographic light boxes for the photographic market. The calculated rate of sputtering is compared with measured helium-neon cathode longevity as a function of discharge current density and fillgas pressure, and a model for helium-neon cathode mortality is developed. Report S stud Ars Tribunus Angusticlavius 23y 7,811. Cold cathode is a handmade lamp, so called because during the functioning it never exceeds 40C but only within electrodes the metallic cylinder can reach 200. Additionally, cool cathodes are generally brighter than neons but cost more. Where are they used?Ĭold cathode lamps are used in a number of specialty applications. Blog Aristo Fluorescent Lamps & Lamp Systems Since 1939 Aristo has designed and manufactured a variety of fluorescent, neon, cold and hot cathode lamps as well as complete lamp systems. Cool Cathodes do not produce heat (which neons do), hence the name.

What sets the cold cathode lamp apart is that by using higher voltage, a cold cathode lamp does not require the cathode to be heated in order to fire and produce light. How do they work?Ī cold cathode lamp functions by using electricity emitted from cathodes to excite mercury vapors using the process of inelastic scattering in order to create fluorescence, just as a typical linear fluorescent does. They are known for high efficiency, long rated life, and their ability to start in cold conditions.
CCFLs are used in a number of different specialty applications, such as cold-weather lighting, display back lighting, and signage. A cold cathode fluorescent lamp (CCFL) is a type gas-discharge lamp similar to linear fluorescent or compact fluorescent lamps. Arrives by Fri, Jun 16 Buy Neon Techniques: Handbook of Neon Sign and Cold-Cathode Lighting (Paperback - Used) 0944094279 9780944094273 at.